DC Kamrup Metro has released a recruitment notice where applications are invited from intending candidates for appearing in Viva Voce Interview for filling up the sanctioned vacant post of Gaon burah in Kamrup Metro district.
Last Date : 07-09-2021
A. Name of the Post : Gaon Burah
B. Remuneration : Rs. 9,000/- (Nine thousand) only – per month.
C. Eligibilty Criteria :
1) Qualifying Age :
- Candidates should be of minimum 25 yeirs of age on 01/01/2021;
- Age limit of candidates will be calculated on the basis of Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority, HSLC Admit card / Certificates issued by recognized Board/Council.
- No other documents shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
2) Educational Qualification:
• Candidates should be minimum 10th passed from a Board/ Institution recognised by the Government.
3) Other Criteria :
- Candidate should be a citizen of India and a permanent resident of the area in respect of which he /she seeks appointment.
- Candidate should be physically fit and have sound mind.
- Candidate should not have been declared as an insolvent or defaulter in payment of Govt dues.
- Candidate should not be a Government employee.
- Preference shall be given to the family members of Gaonburah and views of the Mouzadar shall be taken into consideration.
- Candidate should have landed property /immovable property in his/her name in the area in which he/she intends to be appointed as Gaonburah.
- Candidate should not be a member of any Political Party.
- Candidate should be a person of high status and command and have a respectable position in the society.
- Candidate should have worked/ volunteered for the advancement of the Government policies and programmes and rendered assistance in natural calamities.
- Candidate should not have more than 2 (two) living children from a single or multiple partner (in cognizance to Government of Assam Notification dated 190 July, 2019 vide No. RLR.187/2007/Pt/24 ).
- Candidate should furnish a self- affidavit that the applicant does not have more than two living children from a single/multiple partner.
D. How to apply
The application must be send to the Office of the Deputy commissioner, Kamrup Metro, Kamrup along with the all necessary documents.
- Educational qualification Certificate.
- Age Proof Certificate (i.e birth Certificate issued by the competent authority or HSLC Admit Card/ Certificates issued by the recognized Board/ Council.
- Recent Passport size colour photograph of size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm with white background.
- Scanned signature of the candidate (Black Ball pen preferably).
- Small Family Norms affidavit.
- Mouzadar certificate confirming that th applicant belongs to the village where he/she is applying for the post o Gaonburah.
- Jamabandi in the name of the applicant/ family member where he/ she is applying for the post of Gaonburah.
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Application Form (Standard Form) : Click Here
Official Website : Click Here