Medical and Health Recruitment Board (MHRB), Assam invites online application in the website from the intending candidates having Indian Citizenship as defined in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India having requisite qualification as per norms of Central Council of Indian Medicine from recognized institutions in respective subjects for recruitment to the following vacant post of Assistant Professor in the department of Panchakarma at Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Guwahati-14 under the Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam as indicated below:
SI. No. | Name of Dept. | Name of the post | No. of vacancy | Category |
1 | Panchakarma | Assistant Professor | 1 (one) | U R |
2. Scale of pay: Rs.57,700/- – Rs. 1,82,400 (Academic level —10)
3. Age: 45 years
N.B.: The upper age limit is relaxable as per existing Government rule.
4. Educational Qualification:
A Essential Qualification:
- A Bachelor degree in Ayurveda from a University or its equivalent as recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act. 1970.
- A post graduate qualification in the subject or speciality concerned included in the Schedule to the Indian Medicine Central Council Act. 1970.
B. Desirable Qualification: Priority shall be given to the candidates with Doctoral in Ayurveda.
C. Provision of allied subiect: In absence of the candidate of post-graduate qualification in the subject concerned, the candidate of post-graduate quafificalon in the allied subjects as mentioned below shall be considered eligible for the post of Assistant Professor.
SI. No. | Speciality required | Name of the allied subject |
1 | Panchakarma | Kayachikitsa |
5. Mode of recruitment: Interview/Online Interview.
6. Application fees:
Application must be accompanied with required application fee of Rs. 250/-(Rupees two hundred fifty) only for General category candidates and Rs. 150/-(Rupees one hundred fifty) only for OBC/MOBC/SC/ST(P) ST(H) candidate.
No application fee is required for candidates having BPL certificate and PWD certificate.
Application fee should be deposited only, through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health-01-Urban Health Services-800Other Receipt”. The fees are not refundable and no other mode of deposit of fee other than through Treasury Challan shall be accepted.
Fees can be deposited online using Government Receipt Accounting System-GRAS (Website: Candidates may pay the requisites fees (as admissible for the category mentioned above). Printed copy of Treasury Challan generated through GRAS should be submitted along with the application form. In Remarks column, candidate may write the post applied for.
7. Terms and Conditions:
- Candidates need not submit any testimonials/certificate at the time of submission of online application. However, candidates have to produce their original testimonials regarding educational qualification, date of birth, caste, EWS. PWD, Treasury challan, working experience etc. along with the application form, at the time of interview. Self-attested copies of all testimonials/certificates will have to be submitted to the Board at the time of interview.
- Application form, which is incomplete in any respect, such as, without photograph and signature, is liable to be rejected summarily.
- In case of any of the statement found to be false, the candidature of the candidate shall be liable to be cancelled, and even if appointed to a post, his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated.
- Any attempt on the part of candidate to enlist support for his/her application shall disqualify him/her for appointment.
- Only those candidates who fulfill all the terms and conditions of the advertisement in respect of the post for which they are applicants shall be entertained. Others need not apply.
- The Candidates who are already in the Government service, or in Government owned undertaking or other similar organizations/Corporations/boards/ or in private employment, may apply with intimation to present employer. They shall have to produce “No Objection Certificate” from the present Employer at the time of document verification, before Viva-Voce/Interview and they will have to submit release order at the time of joining.
- The Board reserves the right to cancel, alter or modify the advertisement or other terms and conditions of the advertisement without any prior notice.
- All other matters which are not specially provided in this advertisement shall be decided by the Board.
The last date of online application will be received till 30.08.2021. All applicants are advised to visit the website
The Advertisement is issued on the basis of draft advertisement sent by the
Important Web-Links of Medical and Health Recruitment Board
Online Apply: Click Here
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