NHM Assam, has informed that all the candidates who have applied for the positions of Arogya Mitra (ARM) & Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitra (PMAM) in response to the advertisement No. NHM-31013(11)/10/2020-HRD-NHM/14295 dated 10/08/2020 that the schedule of Interview through
Zoom for the shortlisted candidates has been fixed as below:
The list of shortlisted candidates is published in the NHM, Assam Website:
https://nhm.assam.gov.in. Candidates shall check their names for Roll Nos. and date of Zoom
Interview accordingly. Zoom link will be provided in the mobile number as per online applications.
Click here for π
Notice for zoom interview for the position of ARM & PMAM under AAAS, Assam