Directions (1-4): In each question, there are five sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words that are italicized and highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted words, select the most appropriate words (A or B) to form correct sentences. The sentences are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly complete the set of sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate one.
Q1.Anita wore a beautiful broach (A)/brooch (B) on the lapel of her jacket.
If you want to complain about the amenities in your neighbourhood, please meet your councillor(A)/counsellor(B).
I would like your advice(A)/advise(B) on which job I should choose.
The last scene provided a climactic(A)/climatic(B) ending to the film.
Jeans that flair(A)/flare(B) at the bottom are in fashion these days.
Q2. The cake had lots of currents(A)/currants(B) and nuts in it.
If you engage in such exceptional(A)/exceptionable(B) behaviour, I will be forced to punish you.
He has the same capacity as an adult to consent(A)/assent(B) to surgical treatment.
The minister is obliged (A)/compelled(B) to report regularly to a parliamentary board.
His analysis of the situation is far too sanguine(A)/genuine(B).
Q3. She managed to bite back the ironic(A)/caustic(B) retort on the tip of her tongue.
He gave an impassioned and valid(A)/cogent(B) plea for judicial reform.
I am not adverse(A)/averse(B) to helping out.
The coupé(A)/coup(B) broke away as the train climbed the hill.
They heard the bells peeling(A)/pealing(B) far and wide.
Q4. We were not successful in defusing(A)/diffusing(B) the Guru’s ideas.
The students baited(A)/bated(B) the instructor with irrelevant questions.
The hoard(A)/horde(B) rushed into the campus.
The prisoner’s interment(A)/internment(B) came to an end with his early release.
The hockey team could not deal with his unsociable(A)/unsocial(B) tendencies.
Directions (5-10) :Find out the error, if any. If there is no error, the answer is (e), i.e. No error. (I Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
Q5. In our opinion (1)/ the venue is too small (2)/ to accommodate such the (3)/ large number of candidates. (4)/ No error (5).
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Q6. He deserves a reward (1)/ because he managed (2)/ to complete the assignment (3)/ in spite many difficulties. (4)/ No error (5).
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Q7. The Director has refused to (1)/ gave them an appointment (2)/ on Wednesday because (3)/ he has another meeting scheduled. (4)/ No error (5).
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Q8. He has the necessary (1)/ qualifications for (2)/ the post so (3)/ he has accept it. (4)/ No error (5).
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Q9. The clerk whom (1)/ spoke rudely to (2)/ the customer yesterday (3)/ has been suspended. (4)/ No error (5).
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Q10. Geological and climactic factors (1)/ have combined over millions of years (2)/ to create a hothouse of evolution, (3)/ a seemingly endless parade of marine life.(4)/ No error (5)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Directions (11-15); Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) Only religion is native to the human mind, integral to human nature itself.
(B) If there is this underlying unity of power and weakness, why should there be a difference ?
(C) Though religion may take many forms, it will continue as long as man remains what he is—a blend of power and weakness.
(D) But belief in God, which is the ultimate confession of all faiths of the world, remains.
(E) Voltaire provides one explanation : all sects differ, because they come from men: morality is everywhere the same, because it comes from God.
(F) Everything else may dissolve.
Q11. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) F
Q12. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Q13. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Q14. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Q15. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) B
(e) A
S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. In option (1) Anita wore a brooch is the correct option. As broach means to mention and suggest for the first time. While brooch means a clasp or an ornament. In the second sentence one has to meet a councillor to complain about neighbourhood amenities as a councillor draws from the word council – which is responsible for keeping the county in order. A counsellor is one who helps you take an informed decision about one or more of your concerns, therefore councillor is the right option here. In the third sentence advice has to take the noun form and not the verb form, therefore advice is the right option. When Mr. Raymond advises people, he gives them advice. Climactic refers to climax, while climatic to weather conditions, therefore climactic is the right option. Flair refers to a natural talent; it is commonplace to say that one has a flair for writing. Flare means to spread gradually outward, as the end of a trumpet, the bottom of a wide skirt, or the sides of a ship. Therefore, BAAAB (c) is the right option.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Currents refer to prevailing or flowing, while currants are deciduous shrubs; therefore B is the right option. In the second sentence, exceptional means unusual or extraordinary. While ,exceptionable means objectionable. Assent means to concur to or subscribe to. While consent means to agree, comply or yield. In the third sentence obliged refers to bind morally or legally, as by a promise or contract. While, compelled refers to being forced. Therefore, A is the correct option. Sanguine refers to being cheerfully optimistic, ‘far too’ in the sentence provides the cue to choose option A. While genuine refers to authenticity and is usually not used with far too. Therefore BBAAA (b) is the right option.
S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. Caustic refers to severely critical or sarcastic, while ironic draws from irony which refers to the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Therefore B is the correct option. Cogent refers to clear, or an incisive presentation. While valid refers to being sound. And, being impassionate usually does not necessitate being valid. Averse means having a strong feeling of opposition, or antipathy. While adverse refers to something being unfavourable. Therefore B is the correct option. Coup is a clever action or accomplishment. A coupé is the end compartment in a European railroad car. Therefore, A is the correct option. Peal refers to a ringing of a set of bells, especially a change or set of changes rung on bells. While, peel refers to that which is peeled from something, as a piece of the skin or rind of a fruit. Therefore, B is the right option. Therefore, BBBAB (b) is the right option.
S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Defusing means to remove the fuse from a bomb, mine etc. Diffuse means to spread or scatter widely or disseminate. Therefore B is the right option. Baited means to entice, especially by trickery or strategy. While, bated means to lessen or diminish; abate. Therefore, A is the right option. In sentence three hoard refers to a supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation. While, horde refers to a large group, mass or crowd. Therefore B is the correct option. In sentence four interment refers to burial, while internment refers to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits. Therefore B is the correct option. In sentence five unsociable refers to showing, or marked by a disinclination to friendly social relations; withdrawn and unsocial comes close in meaning to unsociable and is used more specifically when talking about predispositions or tendencies. Therefore, your answer choice should have corresponded with the options in the previous sentences treating these two words as synonyms. Therefore BABBA (a) is the correct answer.
S5. Ans.(c);
Sol. Use ‘a’ in place of ‘the’. A large number of, a good deal of, a lot of, a great deal of, etc. are the expressions which always take ‘a’ not ‘the’.
S6. Ans.(d);
Sol. Write ‘in spite of’ in place of ‘in spite’ because ‘in spite’ is always followed by ‘of’.
S7. Ans.(b);
Sol. Use ‘give’ in place of ‘gave’ because ‘to’ is followed by V1. [To+]
S8. Ans.(d);
Sol. Use ‘accepted’ in place of ‘accept’.
S9. Ans.(a);
Sol. Use ‘Who’ in place of ‘Whom’ because here verb (spoke) needs a subject and ‘who’ (not ‘whom’) is used as a subject.
S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. No error.
S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct sequence is AFDCBE.
S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct sequence is AFDCBE.
S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct sequence is AFDCBE.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct sequence is AFDCBE.
S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct sequence is AFDCBE.