IBPS RRB Result 2020 – Institute of Banking Personnel Selections has released the result status links for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II and Scale-III on its official website @ibps.in All the candidates who have appeared in this year’s Regional Rural Bank’s recruitment for Office Scale-II and III posts can check their result status now. The direct links from IBPS’s official website are given below-
Result Status for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II Exam 2020
Result Status for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-III Exam 2020
Note- in case you are not able to open the result link, we suggest using dekstop or laptop browser.
Steps to Check the Result
- Visit the official website ibps.in
- There click on Regional Rural Bank (RRB) recruitments
- Then click on CRP RRB IX
- There you will find two links to check result status of IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II and Officer Scale-III
- Click on the link to check your result status
- You will redirected to a page to check your result, you will have to log in using your registration no. and password to check your result.