District & Sessions Judge, Lakhimpur – Peon Post on Contractual Basis

District & Sessions Judge, Lakhimpur has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 1 Peon Post on Contractual basis. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.

Last Date: 3 September 2021

Lakhimpur Judiciary Recruitment 2021

1. Peon
No of posts: 
1 [UR]


Eligibility Criteria of Lakhimpur Judiciary Recruitment

Citizenship: The Candidates must be an Indian Citizen as defined under Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India.

Age Limit: The Candidate must not be less than 18 years and more than 38 years of age as on 01.07.2021. The upper Age limit is relaxable as per Govt. Rule.

Educational Qualification: 
Minimum Qualification is class VIII pass and those who have passed H.S.S.L.C and above examination shall not be eligible to apply for the post.

How to Apply for Lakhimpur Judiciary Recruitment

The Candidates have to submit their application in Standard Form of Application as published in Part-IX of the Assam Gazette with self-attested copies of all testimonials in support of age, educational qualification, caste, experience, if any, along with 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photographs to the establishment of District and Sessions Judge, Lakhimpur, North Lakhimpur:

Important Terms and Conditions of Lakhimpur Judiciary Recruitment
  1. Candidates must be an Indian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India.
  2. Application must indicate prominently the name of the post applied for on the right hand corner of the envelope containing the application.
  3. A Candidates must not be less than 18 years or more than 38 years of age on 01.07.2021. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
  4. The Eligibility Criteria of the candidates should be Class VIII standard passed, and those who have passed HSSLC or above shall be ineligible to apply for the said post.
  5. If any candidate is found to have suppressed his educational qualifications or given wrong information at the time of applying for a job or later on, his candidature shall stand rejected without any information to him with immediate effect and shall also be liable to Criminal Prosecution as per law
  6. The applicants must submit their applications in the Standard Form of application published in the Assam Gazette Part IX with self-attested copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste Certificate (If any), Experience Certificate & Character Certificate along with two (2) copies of recent passport size photographs, duly signed by the candidates on the reverse side.
  7. Candidates serving in Govt. Department should submit their application through proper channel with no objection certificate from his/her employer.
  8. Candidates having experience in Judicial works or working in the Judicial establishment of Assam with requisite qualification as stated above shall be given weightage.
  9. The applicants shall mention their Mobile Numbers in the application without fail.
  10. The last date of receipt of the application is 03-09-2021. No applications will be entertained after the last date. The appointing authority shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any postal delay.
  11. The eligible candidates shall be required to appear for the written test, followed by viva-voce.
  12. Application received late or without proper supporting documents or passport size photograph or unsigned or incomplete will be summarily rejected.
  13. The list of eligible candidates along with specific dates of written test and interview shall be uploaded on the Official Website of Lakhimpur District Judiciary in due course. (http://lakhimpurjudiciary.govin). No separate call letters will be issued. Applicants are requested to refer to the Official website.
  14. The final selection will be made based on the total marks obtained by candidates in the written test and Interview /Viva-voice only.
  15. Interview Center: Lakhimpur (Date & Venue will be informed in the Official Website).
  16. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates for attending the Skill Test/ Interview Process.
  17. Canvassing directly or indirectly shall disqualify a candidate.
  18. The office of the District and Sessions Judge reserves the right to cancel the advertisement, alter any terms and conditions of the advertisement at any stage.
  19. The application should be addressed to the District and Sessions Judge, Lakhimpur, North Lakhimpur.

Application Form (Standard Form) : Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website : Click Here

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