Director of Fisheries Assam Recruitment 2021 – 5 Grade IV Vacancy

Director of Fisheries, Assam.
Last Date: 05/02/2021.

Director of Fisheries, Assam has released a notification for the recruitment of 5 Grade IV vacancy in various District of Assam in the prescribed standard form as published in Assam Gazette part. IX from the intending candidates for filling up of sanction vacant posts as mentioned below under the office of the Director of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati-16 (Meen Bhawan) Gopinath Nagar.

Name of post: Grade IV
No of posts: 

Category-wise vacancy:

UR: 1
SC: 0
STP: 1
STH: 1
PWD: 1

Scale of Pay: Rs.12,000 to Rs.52,000 + Grade Pay Rs.3,900/- in Pay Band – 1

Eligibility Criteria of Director of Fisheries, Assam Recruitment

 Candidates must be citizen of India within meaning of Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India and must be a permanent resident of Assam.

Employment Exchange Registration Certificate: 
The candidate must produce Registration Certificate of Employment Exchange in the State of Assam along with the application form.

Educational Qualification: 
The candidate should be VIII passed from any recognized Institutes.


  1. Candidates must be an Indian citizen as defined in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India, ordinarily resident of Assam.
  2. The Candidates must have registered their names in the employment exchange and the registration numbers along with the dates must be mentioned in their applications
  3. A candidate must not be less than 18 years or not more than 40 years of age as on per Govt.OM.No.ABP 6/2016/51 Dated 02.09.2020. Upper age limit for OBC/MOBC is 43 Yrs, SC/ST is 45 Yrs, Ex Serviceman is 42 Yrs and Persons with Disability is 50 Years as per existing Govt. norms.

4. Application fee:- Nil (As per Notification No. FEG.32/2016/12. dtd. 21.05.2018

5. The application must be accompanied by the following –

(a) Self attested copies of all certificates/ Mark Sheets of educational and other qualifications, age, caste along with other testimonials including valid Employment Registration card.

(b) Affix one copy of recent self attested passport size photograph in the application form and two copies of recent passport size photographs duly self attested along with application

(c) The application will enclose a self addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs. 10/- along with the application

6. The last date of receipt of application is 5th February, 2021 No application will be entertained after the last date fixed

7. Application should be submitted to the Director of Fisheries, Assam Guwahati 16 Meen Bhawan, PO. Gopinath Nagar PIN- 781016.

8. The envelope containing the application must be addressed to office of the Director of Fisheries, Assam, Meen Bhawan, P.O. Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati 16 and should be clearly marked as “Application for the post of Grade-IV.

9. The Committee has the right to accept/reject the candidature after proper scrutiny of documents/ testimonials etc. with regards to the modalities of selection. The decision of the selection committee shall be final.

10. The selected candidates qualified for appointment will be governed by existing new set of pension rules which are already formulated with contributory pension scheme by State Govt. vide O.M.No.BW.7/2008/pt/40, dtd. 06.10.2009.

11. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the test personality assessment Test.

12. Canvassing directly or indirectly in any form will disqualify the candidature of the candidate.

13. The incomplete applications and the applications submitted after the scheduled date will not be accepted.

14. Department will not be responsible for any loss of application on transit or for postal delays.

15. Eligible candidates will have to appear for interview along with original testimonials to be held in the Directorate of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati which will be communicated to eligible candidates after scrutiny of applications

16. The undersigned reserves the right to accept modify or cancel the advertisement or postpone the Test/interview and document verification process without assigning any reason thereof.

17. In case of detection of any false declaration statement made by any applicant his/her application will be rejected and will also be penalized as per prevailing Rules/Law. If in any case, submission of false material facts with a view to hoodwinking the Department is detected even after the recommendation is made, the Department may refer the matter to the Govt. for taking necessary action.

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