DECT Recruitment – Senior Technical Consultant

Director Employment and Craftsmen Training (DECT), Assam has released a notification where application is invited from eligible candidates for Senior Technical Consultant, (Retired Engineer-Civil, not below rank of Superintending Engineer of any Works Department of the Govt. of Assam) to be engaged on contractual basis for Construction Cell, Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Assam.

Last date : 16-08-2021

Details of position for Senior Technical Consultant to be engaged on contractual basis for
Construction Cell, Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Assam.

Name of postNo. of PostEligibility CriteriaRemuneration
1 (one)Retired Engineer-Civil (Not below rank of Superintending
Engineer of any Works Department of
the Govt. of Assam)

Instruction to the applicant-

  1. Must not be more than 70 years as on 01/01/2021.
  2. The applicants should submit their applications duly signed along with copies of educational & professional qualifications, work experience, testimonials, etc. to the e­mail I’d [email protected]
  3. The subject line in the e-mail should contain “Application for the Post of _____(fill in the name of post applied for)____”.
  4. Last date for submission of application is 16-08-2021. Application submitted after the last date will not be accepted.
  5. The candidates must be permanent resident of Assam.
  6. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
  7. Applications received incomplete or without the documents as per the requirement of the post will be rejected and not considered for evaluation.
  8. Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of merit and relevant experience and will be published in the website
  9. Short listed candidates will be called for interview through email.
  10. Candidates are advised to check their email Id and the above-mentioned website regularly.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may apply along with relevant documents through email up to 16.08.2021. The details of the post with required criteria, remuneration offered will be available in the official website of DECT from 10.08.2021.

Important Links

Application Form : Click Here

Official Notification : Click Here | Short Notice

Official Website : Click Here | Recruitment Portal 

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