Cotton University, Guwahati has released an advertisement for non-teaching post where applications are invited from candidates who are Indian nationals and are committed to establish a University of Excellence, proud of working beyond call of duty and uphold the highest standard of ethics and public accountability.
Last date of receipt of application: 8 September 2021
Sl. No. | Name of Post | Category & No. of vacant posts | Scale of Pay | Qualifications |
1 | Librarian | UR – 01 | Academic Level 14 Rs 1,44,200/- to Rs 2,18,200/- | Essential Qualifications : A Master’s Degree in Library Science/information Science/Documentation Science with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point -scale wherever the grading system is followed. At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as Assistant/Associate Professor in Library Science or ten years experience as a College Librarian. Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library A Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science/documentation /archives and manuscript-keeping. Preferable. Proficiency in English and Assamese, good command over contemporary Library management procedures, handling of institute Library, with good interpersonal and leadership skills. Desired age limit below 55 years |
2 | Scientific Assistant | UR-01, SC- 01 | Rs. 22,000/- to 87,000/- + GP- Rs 9,700/- | Essential Qualifications: A bachelor degree in science from a recognised university with at least 55 percent marks or its equivalent in the CGPA scale: At least 5 years of experience of working in a laboratory in a /government/semi government/autonomous organization/reputed private organization/educational institute with computer skill. Preferable: Proficiency in English and Assamese, good command over laboratory procedures, handling of chemicals, glassware’s, with good interpersonal skills, experience of handling sophisticated instruments Desired age limit below 38 years |
Note: Candidates who had earlier applied for the post of Librarian vide Adv. No. CCSUMCAD/01/2015 dated 12th May 2015 needs to apply a fresh, however they need not pay the application fees applicable.
Cotton University shall adopt a holistic approach towards scrutiny of the applications and reserves the right to:
- withdraw the advertised post at any time without assigning any reason;
- Fill up the post or leave it vacant and its decision in this regard shall be final;
- appoint a candidate who may be on deputation / lien from a reputed educational / research institution, a Government organization or a Public Sector Undertaking
- short list a limited number of candidates for interview and/or test for the post, although a much larger number may satisfy the minimum criteria (mere fulfilment of minimum criteria will NOT entitle a candidate to be called for test/interview)
- disqualify any candidate who attempts to lobby or canvass to influence the selection process;
- modify/cancel/withdraw any communication made to the candidate(s), even after appointment, if this has been the result of some inadvertent mistake either in the advertisement or the recruitment process which may have been detected at a different stage;
- disqualify any candidate who may have been shortlisted based on wrong information provided by the candidate. Persons who may be selected/appointed based on the wrong information provided by him/her may be terminated at any stage.
- Persons who are currently employed must submit a ‘No objection certificate’ from their current employer along with their application, without which their application will not be considered further.
- Candidates from reserved categories must submit an attested copy of the relevant certificates signed by the appropriate authority as specified by the Government of Assam, along with their application form. Age and qualification will be relaxed for reserved category candidates as per Government of Assam Norms. Age will be calculated as on 01.07.2021
- All degrees of candidates must be from recognized Boards/ Councils and Universities/ Institutions as the case may be.
- Applications must be filled in the prescribe format available in the University Website. An application with incomplete documentation or incorrect information is liable to be summarily rejected.
- The University shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/documents supplied by the candidates. In case the information/documents is/are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate, and the application could be summarily rejected without any refund of fees.
- The University will verify the antecedents and documents of the candidates at the time of interview and also at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. If at any time it is detected that the documents submitted by a candidate are false or the candidate has suppressed relevant information, then he/she will be denied the opportunity to go through the selection process or, if in service, terminated from service without prejudice to any other action taken by the University.
- Applications received after the last date shall be rejected. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay.
- Applications processing fees for S No 1 Rs. 2,000/- only and for S No 2 is Rs. 1000/-. Reserved Category (OBC/MOBC/SC/STP/STH/EWS) applicants need to pay 50 per cent of the above specified amount. This application fee in non-refundable. However, if an applicant of reserve category applies in UR category he/she needs to apply separately by paying full application fee.
- The decision of the University authorities during the different stages of the selection process will be final and binding.
- Selected candidates will be governed by the New Pension Rules, 2005. Selected candidates will receive the standard Government of Assam allowances. If any selected candidate joins on deputation/lien from another educational/research organization, government organization, or public sector undertaking, standard Government norms and CU rules and regulations in this regard will be applicable.
- All selected candidates, will be on probation for one year; their performance will be reviewed before the probationary period is over, after which they could be confirmed, terminated or their probationary period extended, if found necessary.
- Filled up application along with all testimonials and payment Challan may be submitted to The Registrar, Cotton University, MCB Building Ground Floor, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001 either by hand or by post.
Application Form : Click Here
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